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9 02, 2021

Top Ten Books I Would Love To See Made Into A Movie or TV Series

2021-02-09T18:42:58-07:00February 9th, 2021|Tags: , , |4 Comments

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is a Valentine's Day/Love Freebie! I am joining the Artsy Reader Girl’s Top Ten Tuesday for this prompt. This was hard for me to pick because there were a lot of ideas that I had and also that I saw my fellow readers post. I decided though instead of doing my top 10 couples that I would do my top 10 books I would love to see turned into a movie or a tv series. So for this, my books could be standalone or a series. Hope you enjoy and maybe I will be lucky and some of these will become a movie or show! Also, I only included those that haven't been made into a series, but I would like to note I think the Eragon (Inheritance Cycle) should be redone and also Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles) should also be redone.

2 02, 2021

Top Ten Books on My TBR That Were Written Before I Was Born

2021-02-02T16:09:19-07:00February 2nd, 2021|Tags: , |6 Comments

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is all about books on your to-be-read list that were written before you were born! I am joining the Artsy Reader Girl’s Top Ten Tuesday for this prompt. I was really excited for this one because I do feel books I have added awhile back get pushed to the back so it was fun to look back and see what ones before I was born, are still on my list to read. I definitely plan to keep these up closer in my reading list, it also helps because there are a few challenges in my reading challenges that are all about books on your TBR list.

26 01, 2021

Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Discovered in 2020

2021-01-26T11:23:55-07:00January 26th, 2021|Tags: , |5 Comments

Hey readers! I am joining in on The Artsy Reader Girl's Top Ten Tuesday today! It was fun going back through to see what authors I had discovered last year and it made me go oh yeah I need to go find other books by them or other books in the series that I haven't read. A few of these I have actually continued during last year, and even this year, reading their books. I did end up using one author that I read at the very end of last year that I just could not mention...looking at you Evie Dunmore! Excited to see what other authors others post about.

19 01, 2021

Top Ten 2020 Releases I Was Excited To Read But Didn’t Get To

2021-01-19T16:56:04-07:00January 19th, 2021|Tags: , |7 Comments

Hey readers! I am joining in on The Artsy Reader Girl's Top Ten Tuesday today! I liked going through and figuring out what books were published in 2020 that I didn't get a chance to read! It made me think of all the ones I was excited about it! Not to mention I definitely had more than 10 sadly that I didn't get a chance to read. However, here are my top ten. I am excited to look at what everyone else wished they had got to read last year! Happy reading fellow readers!

ARCS, Reviews, Products, and More

If anyone is interested in me reading an ARC and giving a review of their book I would love to be considered. I will provide an honest review and in a timely manner.

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