Book Description: Let’s suppose you are a heartbroken woman trying to get over the pain of a failed relationship. You’ve always wanted to see the world. What do you do? Perhaps you would do what Sarah does: travel alone to Dublin and leave your worries behind. She wants to start from scratch, to forget about it all; to enjoy the lush green countryside, the Celtic music, the famous pubs. However, her life turns upside down when she finds herself living under the same roof as Daniel, a handsome yet stubborn Irishman.
Both Daniel and Sarah have their reasons for not falling in love, but love has other plans.
Things become more complicated because love affairs are prohibited between housemates. This is an unbreakable rule that also applies to the three other residents: a shameless womanizer, an absent-minded musician and a new female best friend, intrusive and meddling. It’s a fun and exciting intercultural household for Sarah to adapt to! And as if that wasn’t enough, she also has to deal with Daniel’s heated misunderstandings, with an insistent ex-boyfriend and some compromising situations with a very sexy Frenchman.
This is a new life in Dublin and there is certainly a lot to love!

I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I thought that this was a really cute book. I thought that it was fun that it is a group of housemates who are from different parts of the world and the different reasons they are all living there. From the instant that Sarah meets Daniel there is an instant connection with them. Also, from the instant they meet there is this lie that is already starting because she wants to move into the house but is tricking Daniel into liking her first before moving in. Daniel has had some trust issues with women and so this is not a great start. However, things work out and they start becoming “friends” although each of them wants more.

I did think it was kind of wrong for Sarah to not mention to Daniel in the beginning that she still had a fiancé, but that they were on the verge of breaking up. I think he still would have found it wrong, however her being honest would have been a plus for him. I see why she wanted to keep it to herself from the others because she wasn’t even sure what was going on…but come on we all knew from reading that she should have never been with him in the first place.

The interaction between Sarah and Daniel was pretty good, I thought they had good chemistry and I was rooting for them. What I did find annoying was the fact that they would take a step forward and then whoosh Daniel would not trust her again and give her no time to explain and would just explode. I get it that it would happen a couple of times but I felt that it dragged on a little too long in the story line.

I thought the rest of the characters in the story were good, I enjoyed all of them. I thought the banter between them all was pretty good and the friendship was good. I knew that there was going to be something between Armando and Fran, because again Fran was with a guy who was a butt and she didn’t need to be with him. I think the idea of traveling is very fun and so hearing of all the different places they are visiting in the book, or are talking about visiting is super fun.

I thought the ending was good, I mean of course she was going to give Daniel another chance, but I was happy that he realized that he was the one causing the issues and it really felt that he was trying. I liked that this book had a plot and story too it with some romance thrown in, but not an overload of sexy scenes. Instead it focused on the relationship between Sarah and Daniel and the other friendships.

Book Rating: 4 out of 5

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