Book Description: 
One hit man who’s back for revenge.
One detective who’s not going down without a fight.
It’s been ten months since Detective Madison Knight almost died at the hands of Russian Mafia hit man Constantine Romanov. She hasn’t seen hide nor hair of him since he escaped police custody and fled to Russia soon after his arrest, except now her latest murder investigation gives her reason to believe he’s back in town. Seeing as the victim is the man who killed her grandfather, her perspective may be a little skewed, but with the MO smacking of Constantine and the victim’s connections to the mob, she finds it hard to be objective. Still, she’s doing her best to consider all the evidence.
When she receives a threatening letter from Constantine, however, her suspicions are confirmed. And he’s made it abundantly clear that not only does he plan to finish what he started but he has her family and loved ones in the crosshairs, too. Madison vows to do whatever it takes to save them, but as the hours race by, the body count rises. And the stakes only get higher when Madison’s sister, Chelsea, goes missing.
Now, Madison’s only play is to take Chelsea’s disappearance for what it really means: Constantine is calling Madison out for one final showdown. And they won’t both survive… (less)

I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I thought this was a fun book to read and I am glad I got the opportunity to read and review it. I liked that it kept you wondering what was going to happen and you pretty much get this from the beginning. You get a little back story so that you understand what is happening and why and then you are off. I like how all of the pieces ended up fitting together it was like working alongside Madison trying to figure out who was orchestrating what and if they were right or wrong.

I thought the main character was pretty good, I didn’t connect with her as much as some characters I read but I was still rooting for her to go and kick some Constantine butt. I liked the other characters as well, she ha her partner who I thought they worked well together and her boyfriend and family. I did get annoyed that the mom was so one sided I was just like come on you have 2 daughters here! So I am glad that got a little closure in the end of the book.

I thought that the plot was fun and entertaining it kept you interested. I can imagine if this was a real life situation how hard it would be to be objective when your family is at stake and you are trying to work the case and then if you got taken off of it how hard it would be to not continue. I thought the story was well written and flowed nicely. There was some humor in there which I always enjoy even in thriller books. I like that at the end you get closure and you aren’t left with questions.

I would recommend this book I had fun reading it and it was a quick read.

Book Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars

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