Book Description:
Valjean thought about how impossible it seemed that there was another world out there from which he had narrowly escaped. A world of manticores and cave fiends, magic swords and potions, spirit mages and necromancers. Wizard-monks who could shatter walls with their fists, a city of colored spires so beautiful it took his breath away . . . and a world in which Val’s brothers were still trapped.
Desperate to help his brothers, high-powered attorney Val Blackwood manages to find a way to return to the world of Urfe. After landing in the dangerous underbelly of New Victoria, he concludes that the only way to find Will and Caleb is to enroll in the Abbey–the school for wizards–and somehow gain access to a portal called the Pool of Souls. Yet to succeed, he not only has to pass the entrance exam and survive the rigors of the school, considered the most demanding in all the Realm, but also avoid a lethal assassin targeting students.
As Val struggles to survive, his brothers undergo an even deadlier trial. Reeling from the loss of Mala, an adventuress lost in the mysterious Place Between Worlds, Will and Caleb and Yasmina are captured by slavers and taken to the mines beneath Fellengard Mountain. Even if they manage to escape, a feat no one has ever accomplished, they must still find their way out of the vast and untamed caverns of the Darklands. A place even the wizards fear.
Trapped in a land of dreams and nightmares, the brothers must somehow stay alive and learn to adapt to their new surroundings–or risk losing their home world forever.

I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was super excited to be asked the read The Spirit Mage, because I really enjoyed the first in this series and couldn’t wait to see what happened. I was not disappointed.

I thought this picked up very well from where it left off in the first series and felt that throughout the whole book the characters kept up the same importance as the first book. I thought that the book flowed well, some books when the chapters are broken up to different characters and time in the story gets confusing and I thought this flowed very smoothly and made sense. I thought the characters grew in this book and that you got to know more about them and that they themselves still interacted well with each other in the story. It feels like there are multiple important characters in this, not just one with supporting characters.

I liked that the story was pretty continuous action and the story moved along at a good pace. It is nice to just make headway in a story and not have a lot of filler that just gets long and tedious and does nothing for the story. I was engaged the whole time I read and was wondering what was going to happen. I like that not only was their action but there was humor and some slight romance sections as well. I really liked that you met new characters as well and that you got the background of the world. Especially with the Val part of the story where you got more of a background on the wizards and that part of the world. It is always fun to see how this world is similar to Earth.

The writing is very well done, it is clear and concise and there are no mistakes in it and you can tell it was well thought out before it was written. I feel like this would be a fun show or movie that there could be some really cool stuff done with the world and the story. I can’t wait to read the third one and find out what happens, we were definitely left with a cliff hanger for one character and I am like wait no I want to know what they are going to do! I would definitely recommend this series.

Book Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

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