Book Description:
Excitement heralds the arrival of Captain Brendan Jay Merrick, a dashing privateer whose daring sea battles against His Majesty’s fleet have made him a legend in the American colonies. Brendan has plans for the Ashton Shipyard to build his magnificent new schooner. But one look at the handsome Irishman, and Ashton’s daughter Mira is making plans of her own . . . Mira Ashton – queen of schemes and mistress of spunk – disguises herself as a crew member and sneaks aboard the newly built Kestrel to become the schooner’s sharpest gunner … and the captain’s most outrageous distraction. As passions flare, desire explodes with the turbulence of an angry sea with Mira competing against Kestrel for Brendan’s love. But when tragedy strikes, Mira must join forces with her mighty rival in a daring adventure that turns the tide of battle and brings glorious victory to the colonists, the captain … and the lady who has captured his heart.

I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I thought this was a really fun read. I am all about pirates and this book, although wasn’t exactly pirates, it was still in the realm enough for me to be enticed to read it. The plot was well done and the story moved along nicely. The book has suspense, romance, humor, and adventure; what more could you want?! I really loved that Mira rescued cat’s and that they were called rescue attempt #___; whatever number she was on that day.

I thought the two main characters were great and they had good chemistry from the get go. They had romantic moments, fun sarcastic banter between them, which was great, and just the way they worked together as a couple was good; I was rooting for them from the get-go. I thought the supporting characters were well done as well. They had a nice background so you felt like you knew them, especially Brendan’s Sister and Mira’s Brother and Father. Even the smaller characters had a small background like Brendan’s crew.

I thought the writing was well done, at first I was worried that Brendan would continuously use the word “faith” and I am just not a fan of books that have a character continuously repeat one word throughout the book. However, luckily he did not. I thought the author did a good job in describing things in detail, you could almost imagine the sea battles that went on.

Overall I enjoyed reading this book and would definitely recommend it.

Book Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

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