Book Description: As the janitor in a haunted house, single mom Abby Jenkins has many contacts with the living and the dead in the small Pacific Northwest town of Sunset Cove, which puts her in a perfect position to solve local mysteries. Or so she thinks. Hired to find diamonds hidden in a haunted manor she gets help from a Viking ghost with existential issues. Will she survive? This book contains bad-boy ghosts, mischievous magic, and a woman who knows what she wants in a Viking hayloft.
I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I am torn on this book, I have to say I liked it more in the beginning and then by the end I was slightly annoyed with it. I think one thing that started this was when Abby got the second voice in her head and they started talking to each other. It just seemed like a weird move and was more annoying than funny or helpful to the plot.
I liked the idea of the book and what it was trying to go for. However, in the realm of other mysteries with ghosts I don’t know that I would pick this above others. It has potential though and I feel like knowing what happens next would be good. You are left with a couple slight cliff hangers wonder what is going to happen to Abby and Erich; I did like the chemistry that they with each other. I thought that in the beginning Abby made me laugh with her personality and everything, just until that spark showed up.
The supporting characters were pretty good, you don’t have a ton of background but that is okay. I think my favorite was the gross draguer because I was just imagining what she looked like. Although it seemed like they were meaning more vampire like and that isn’t what I pictured her as, instead I imagined more of a zombie like corpse but etherial like a ghost.
The writing overall was well done, the story was easy to follow and it moved along nicely. There was romance, some twists, some sarcastic banter, and some adventure. I do think the ending left you wanting to find out what is going to happen with the twists that have happened to Abby and Erich. So I would definitely like to continue on to see where it goes.
Book Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars

Reading Challenges: Read Harder #9, Monthly Motif – January, POPSUGAR #37, Dancing w/ Fantasy & Sci-Fi #14, Cloak & Dagger, Netgalley & Edelweiss, Bookiary 2019,
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