About Me

18 04, 2016

ARCS, Reviews, Products, and More

2016-04-18T16:06:08-06:00April 18th, 2016|Tags: , , |11 Comments

If anyone is interested in me reading an ARC and giving a review of their book I would love to be considered. I will provide an honest review and in a timely manner. If anyone has some products that they need to have tested and reviewed I would love to help out. I have some book box subscriptions and would love to check out other boxes of any kind or any products in general.

17 04, 2016

Introducing Me

2016-12-06T21:28:41-07:00April 17th, 2016|5 Comments

Greetings! I have attempted to start multiple blogs for awhile now and have decided that I will somewhat combine my blog ideas. First, I have a huge love of books. I read them every chance I get, usually two at once, one at home and one at work. I love seeing others book blogs and the different things people do and will be doing book reviews and other random book topics. I would like to do some of those book challenges I see on Instagram like posting certain pictures for a month, but I do fall behind. Second, I love crafting, although my husband would say I love buying crafting stuff. I don't do it as much as I want because I just don't have time. I would love to make stuff and sell it eventually, and am slowly working on that. I do however make stuff for us and for my family and friends. So I will be posting about that as well. Third, will just be about random things. They could be serious, could be silly, could be just totally who knows what. I just want a place that [...]

ARCS, Reviews, Products, and More

If anyone is interested in me reading an ARC and giving a review of their book I would love to be considered. I will provide an honest review and in a timely manner.

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